I also felt this was safer as well since linux is a cinch to load in any situation.
I have found apps like gparted in linux to be far superior to disk utility, so I personally chose this route. If you partition with disk utility in Mac OS, you will always have to use disk utility. If you partition with Linux, you will always have to use linux for any partition changes. The first thing to decide I believe is what operating system is going to control your partitions. If you are planning to run all three partitions on one drive, you might have to adjust some things slightly. These tips will be more focused on using dual partition of Mac OS and Linux Mint on a single drive. So the Windows partition is on its own drive completely separate. I had originally used this computer as a dedicated gaming machine.
I didnt follow any guides out there so I thought I would explain some of the process I learned while getting it to work.įirst of all, a quick explanation of my setup. I recently went through the process of installing a multiboot system with Mac OS, Windows, and Linux Mint together. Building a CustoMac Hackintosh: Buyer's Guide